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Our Mission: Ensure Our Client's Success


At Verdigris Group, our multidisciplined staff is focused on our clients' success in every facet of the projects in which we are engaged.  As a 100 percent employee-owned firm, each of us has a vested interest in the success of every project and client. More than 80 percent of our projects come from repeat clients. They know our mission is to serve them well, and they know that they are dealing with concerned owners in every aspect of our relationship.

Our Vision: Sustainability Solutions for All

Sustainability is the bedrock upon which we have built our business.  Our vision since our company's inception has been to ensure that sustainability takes a prominent role in our internal business operations as well as in our real estate development projects, consulting engagements, community outreach and civic and volunteer involvement.



Sustainability: The capacity to endure.  Sustainability as it relates to our business operations requires the reconciliation of environmental concerns, social equity and economic demands - also referred to as the "three pillars" of sustainability.



Elemental:   a. Fundamental or essential;

                    b. Constituting an integral part;

                    c. Of such character to resemble a force of nature in power or effect.



Our corporate higher-calling: We believe that the capacity to endure is fundamental. Sustainability is elemental, it is of such character to resemble a force of nature. Sustainability is a fundamental and essential aspect of our organizational character.  It is our focus.  Corporate Responsibility activities are an integral part of our enterprise-level strategy that lays out a clear path forward. The Element of Sustainabilityâ„¢ adds significant value to business operations, ensuring that a profitable triple bottom-line is achieved, which only comes through working diligently toward benefiting not only the company, but as well the environment and the community or society at large.  Our commitment to corporate responsibility ensures that we succeed in achieving our internal goals while achieving a greater good beyond our business efforts.

Copyright © 2007-2022 Verdigris Group Inc.  All rights reserved.  |  |  Toll-free: (800) 805-2830  |   Sustainability is Elemental™ 

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